Day Training = Faster Results

Here at Flying Colors, our flagship program consists of nine days of Day Training. We call it the Rock Star program. It’s the fastest way to see the best results with the least stress to the dog.

If you’re like 90% of average dog owners, you are probably looking skeptically at your screen and saying, “But how?”

I’m happy to answer that question!

First of all, consistency increases learning. My staff and I have the skill level to be consistent while teaching your dog a new skill. In a private lesson setting, you are learning and you’re also teaching your dog. It’s VERY normal for you to make mistakes. While those mistakes won’t ruin your dog, they WILL slow your dog’s learning. Since we are professionals, we make fewer mistakes, are more consistent, and your dog learns faster.

Secondly, repetition increases learning. We know from the science of learning, that dogs learn best in 20 minute chunks and that they need “soak time” between those periods of learning. During “soak time” dogs are processing what they just learned. They’re literally thinking about it. Connecting the dots, so to speak. Since we know that this is the way that dogs learn the best, this is the routine throughout the day of training. 20 minutes of training. Rest time in the crate. Repeat. All day. That repetition allows concepts to “click” faster than they would otherwise.

Thirdly, exposure increases learning. If you’re practicing at home, you might struggle to get your dog around new dogs, new people, or new places. During the Rock Star program, your dog is practicing around other dogs and new people from Day One. This is great for dogs who get overly excited around distractions. We also take Rock Star dogs on field trips to practice their new manners in new environments.

Finally, lowered stress increases learning. Learning a new skill is stressful. Think of a time that you started a new job. Stressful, right? But it was worth it. Many years ago I only offered Board and Train programs where the dog would stay in boarding for an entire two weeks. Some dogs did fine. But some dogs got really stressed out being away from their families for so long. With Day Training, the dog gets to go home at night, see their family, eat their dinner, and get a good night’s sleep. And just as importantly, the owner gets to see that their dog is happy to see us when they’re dropped off in the morning. The dog is less stressed. The owner is less stressed. That’s a win-win.

“So you train my dog. But don’t you also have to train the human?”


The Rock Star program includes four Handling Classes to teach you how to enforce what we have been teaching your dog. These classes are Monday, Wednesday, Friday of the first week and Thursday of the second week. They take place at 5:30 in the evening and last 45 minutes. It’s a small group and you will have plenty of time to ask questions.

We know that your dog will never be a robot (nor would we want her to be one!). After the initial nine days of training, the Rock Star program includes THREE MONTHS of follow up group classes. The Momentum Group Classes are offered several times per week, and you can come to one per week (whichever one fits into your schedule). These classes are designed to build on the momentum you gained in those first two weeks by helping you to increase the difficulty level of your training.

While the Rock Star program isn’t right for every dog, it’s a great solution for many busy families who want to enjoy a well behaved dog. If you’re interested in the Rock Star program, the first step is to schedule an evaluation. Give us a call at 260-490-8386. Also, check out the programs page for up to date pricing.

P.S. – Here’s a Facebook Live video showing a little glimpse of the typical Rock Star day.

Categories: training

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